103 sRGB is a measure of a display’s color gamut coverage. sRGB is a color space that is used by most web browsers, operating systems, and digital cameras. A display with 103% sRGB coverage can display 3% more colors than a display with 100% sRGB coverage.
This means that a display with 103 sRGB coverage can display a wider range of colors, which can be beneficial for tasks such as photo editing, video editing, and graphic design. It can also be beneficial for gaming, as it can make colors appear more vibrant and realistic.
However, it is important to note that not all content will be able to take advantage of a display with 103% sRGB coverage. For example, if you are viewing a website that is only designed for 100% sRGB coverage, then the colors will not appear any different on a display with 103 sRGB coverage.
Overall, a display with 103 sRGB coverage is a good choice for users who need a wide color gamut. It is especially beneficial for users who work with colors on a regular basis, such as photographers, video editors, and graphic designers.
Here are some examples of monitors with 103% sRGB coverage:
- ASUS ProArt Display PA278QV
- BenQ PD2705U
- Dell UltraSharp 27 U2723QE
- LG 27UL500-W
- Samsung U28E590D
If you are not sure if a monitor has 103% sRGB coverage, you can check the manufacturer’s website or read reviews of the monitor.